Pest and Disease

Pest and Disease image

Pest and Disease

Dealing with pests like small hive beetle is just part and parcel of beekeeping. We stock a wide range of test kits and beetle traps. 

For detecting varroa, we have sugar shake kits. We also recommend that you use a mesh bottom base for varroa surveillance.

For managing small hive beetle, we have beetle traps you can fill with oil or diatomaceous earth. We also stock Topbait, a gel containing the insecticide fipronil. Apithor small hive beetle traps also contain fipronil.

We also stock AFB and EFB test kits. 

Getting slimed out for the first time, or discovering wax moth in a weak hive, can be daunting for any hobbyist beekeeper. Please ask our friendly and knowledgeable staff if you are concerned about the health of your beehive. 

You can also look at Bee Aware for information on the pests and diseases that Australian beekeepers have to deal with.

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